We have received so many grateful notes over the years and are highlighting just a few here.
Prayers and positive thoughts
Thank you for the support you have given me on this journey. The gift card is greatly appreciated. Sending you and your staff at Seymour Pink a Thanksgiving blessing.
During this journey, I’m blessed with wonderful family and friends who forever changed me. I don’t know if you know how much you HELPED ME on days when I felt discouraged, uncertain, or simply not feeling well. It could be your smile, your words of just real KINDNESS that pulled me through. I’m not sure if you will ever understand… but you should know, you are all special to me. I’m grateful to everyone for all the prayers and positive thoughts.
Appreciation in Times of Need
Dear Friends at Seymour Pink,
I know this will get to you late but I haven’t been feeling the greatest lately… I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate your love and kindness and gifts you sent me. The ways you’ve helped me this past year financially in my times of need has really helped!!!
Thank you so much and I know that God will always bless you all of you.
Lots of love and many thanks!
Joy, surprise, and shock
Words cannot express the joy, surprise, and shock I felt when I received the gift card over the Thanksgiving holiday. I truly believed I was forgotten about. Thank you for keeping my son and I in your thoughts.
Cancer Treatment Expense
Thank you so much all of you at Seymour pink for your help with our oil bill. I didn’t know how we were going to pay it. With all the expenses from the months of cancer treatments, we got so behind and we still are paying our mortgage so this generous help is so very much appreciated thank you all so very much.
I Know I’m Not Alone
Dear Seymour Pink & Donna Sorensen,
The day I received your great comfort basket I was feeling really down. But I opened it & it brought a smile to my face & tears to my eyes. I know I’m not alone, Thanks to Seymour Pink & Donna.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you a million times over
I don’t know where to begin. Thank you a million times over for all that you amazing, loving, cheerful people do. The financial assistance is greatly appreciated. It has helped with making my second round of reconstruction a little less stressful. I also would like to extend a warm thank you for all the support each one of you have provided emotionally. Even though we are far from family, we feel like we have become a part of a bigger family with Seymour Pink. My husband and I cannot thank you enough for your unwavering support during one of the hardest times in our lives.
Help for Medical Expenses
Please express my sincere gratitude to the Seymour Pink Board for their very generous monetary gift to help pay for some of my medical expenses. I appreciate your kindness & generosity.
I Am A Breast Cancer Patient
Seymour Pink,
Please excuse my tardiness in thanking you for your generous Christmas/New Year financial gift you sent.
It was such a pleasant surprise that I couldn’t believe it. Your generosity touched me deeply.
I have just started on the endocrine therapy phase of my treatment and am not sure when I can claim “survivor”. Getting through the earlier stages was hard but emotionally I think it is harder for me now. I thank you for embracing me as my oncology journey has not been a warm one.
With gratitude, M
Gift Shoppe Love
Love love love this store and what it means to our community, as well as myself. They do amazing things, and the staff is always so caring and welcoming with open arms as soon as you walk in the door!!! It’s a second family!! Thank you for who you are and all that you do ???????
Rent Assistance Appreciated
I just received your very special check for my rent payment. I can’t thank you enough. It was very special, kind and generous of you and very much appreciated. Next month is my birthday and I will be 73 years young. To me this is a birthday gift from you. I’m sure I’m talking for all of us cancer patients when I say that Seymour Pink is always there ot help us in our hour of need. Thank God there are also very kind and special people in our world who donate to all the cancer organizations out there, so they can help all of us when we need some help financially.
God Bless All Of You At Seymour Pink
Nonnawauk Recognizes Seymour Pink
Dear Mary,
The members of Nonnawauk Tribe No. 9. recognize and support the mission of Seymour Pink in the fight against breast cancer. Funding research and providing education in the support of victims and their families is monumental undertaking.
Nonnawauk Tribe No. 9. would like to continue our support and present this donation to Seymour Pink to assist you in this most important work.
Thank you for your commitment to the community.
With grateful appreciation,
-Chief of Records
The Improved Order of Red Men
Beautiful Comfort Basket
One never knows what each day will bring and the past few months have been very difficult for me and my family. After 15 years, who would have ever thought that my breast cancer would make a return visit but as we all know, this horrible disease does not have a conscience and knows no boundaries.
It has taken me a while to process and digest everything. I am over the shock now and moving forward with a positive attitude. What a lovely surprise and visit I received from one of your board members, Mary Buccifero. The comfort basket from Seymour Pink was beautiful. Thank you!!
I tell my family & friends every day how could I not get through this difficult journey with all the love and support that surrounds me daily. Thank you for brightening my day and for the wonderful job and hard work you put into making Seymour Pink what it is.
I am enclosing an article my son sent me [about the Carey Foundation]. He happened to see this display while shopping at Bloomingdale’s in San Diego where he lives. He was impressed and honored that his little town of Seymour was included in this article.
Men get Breast Cancer Too!
YES – men can get breast cancer too! We so desperately need to raise awareness.
Thanks again for thinking of me and helping raise awareness for men. Men don’t realize they can get it. They don’t go to the doctor usually and ignore it…so when found it is in a late stage. Mine was stage 3a.
For more information and support for male breast cancer, visit the website www.malebreastcancercoalition.org/
Seymour Pink stands above the res
It is very rare in this day and age that there are people who truly care, are concerned, committed and give time and effort to help those less fortunate than them. Seymour Pink stands above the rest in all these ways and you do it unconditionally and from the heart. You make each person that you help feel special and deserving of the financial aid which you award to so many people in need.
This year I was one of those people who was truly at the bottom and had a hard time believing that it could ever get better due to my health and financial situation. I had always been independent and self-supporting but suddenly found myself with an unexpected health issue that drained me of all I had financially and emotionally. I did not know what I was going to do to survive and stay strong but fortunately I had an amazing social worker who helped me see the light. She helped me to get my application to Seymour Pink to see if I qualified and each time you granted me assistance (no matter how large or small) it came at the right time and was used to help me in financial situations which were critical to me to survive at the very basic level.
This was like a miracle to me and with every bit of help you awarded me I was able to get a little further out of the BIG financial hole I was in due to my illness and treatments. You helped me regain my self-esteem, self-worth, belief in myself and my strengths and most importantly gave me the strength and will to rise above my illness both mentally an emotionally as well as physically and become whole again.
You have no idea how much those things have made me stronger, wiser and more able to help others who have encountered life changing experiences.
Please accept my heartfelt thanks and eternal gratitude for all you have done for me during a time when it was almost impossible to do anything for myself. You have made an enormous difference in my life and I will be sure to pay it forward to others in need,
With sincere thanks,
Thank You For the Support
Thank-you so much again for the gift card. I just had my reconstruction done on 11/10 so I’m out of work again This gift card truly helps so much. Thank you again.
I Keep Fighting
We want to thank everyone for the generous gift certificate our family received for the holidays. It sure helps with groceries and a few extras. I keep fighting this terrible disease every day despite is metastasis from breast, lung, brain and now kidney. I will continue to fight for myself and my sons. May God Bless You All!
Heartfelt Gratitude
To everyone at Seymour Pink,
Words cannot express the heartfelt gratitude that I have for the Seymour Pink organization. Best wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy 2023.
I cannot wait to start giving back.
Thank you.
Thank you for helping my family
Some of these photos are awful, but I could tell you at what point in my illness they were at. My Breast Cancer triggered a very Rare Auto Immune Disorder called Dermatomyositis. So besides not having energy to walk a few steps, I couldn’t get out of bed, wash or comb my hair, lift my arms up or carry more than a half a gallon of almond milk.
I am very grateful to Seymour Pink for the financial assistance they gave me. I am a single woman taking care of her sweet 78 yr old mom and young 23yr old girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My favorite photo of course would be the 3 Generation photo my friend took 3 months before I became so ill. My treatment included Mastectomy, Chemo and Immuno-suppressant Drugs along with High doses of Prednisone.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart
My daughter has been my biggest supporter throughout my currently ongoing journey with breast cancer these past 9 months and counting. She is my only immediate family that stuck by me…that didn’t walk out on me. Please feel free to include this picture if you like. Your help has meant so much to us. I am a single mother. Finances are nonexistent and your help has meant so much at this time in my life.
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart.
Seymour Pink is a Godsend in a time of need
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for a sincerely kind gift. It has taken a load off of my shoulders. Seymour Pink is a Godsend in a time of need.
Thank you again.
Comfort Basket Thanks
I loved receiving the comfort basket. It was so much fun seeing all the goodies inside. I think your organization is wonderful and its really inspiring to know that your group is working so hard to support women with breast cancer. THANK YOU!!!
Thanks for Making My Holidays Manageable
Thank you so much for the generous gift card, I can honestly say that the holidays would not have felt as manageable without it. What an incredible gift and surprise! Thank you for being that light for so many people.
Many thanks and much love.
Help with Medical Bills
Thank you for the generous payment towards my medical bills at Yale New Haven Hospital. My hope is to pay it forward to you & my community some day.
Totally Brightened My Day
Dear friends at Seymour Pink,
I know it’s been a while since I received your very loving and generous gifts. I had what I hope to be my last of two surgeries on December 18th. I want to thank you so much for the gift card for the holidays. How it helped and totally brightened my day – knowing you think and care about me is nothing short of angels.
I say thank you for the money towards my back rent which literally saved me from losing my apartment. Thank you seems so redundant for all the generous and loving help you have given me. You help me to believe that throughout all this darkness there is a light from your loving help that makes me go on.
With love and gratitude –
Yale & Griffin Financial Support
Dear Seymour Pink,
My husband and I would like to Thank you for helping us out financially by sending the checks to Yale Medicine and Griffin Hospital for my bills. We cannot being to express our gratitude enough for your organization.
I am also very grateful for all of your support by keeping my informed of meetings with other Cancer survivors. It helps to be able to talk with someone who is or has gone through cancer treatments.