Support Seymour Pink in the 2024 Great Give – Seymour Pink

Support Seymour Pink in the 2024 Great Give

Support Seymour Pink in the 2024 Great Give

The Great Give 2024 is the fifteenth major community-wide giving event benefiting Greater New Haven’s nonprofits and occurring over an intense 36 hours from 8:00 a.m. on May 1 to 8:00 p.m. on May 2, 2024. The Great Give was created by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven through its online resource known as® to strengthen nonprofits serving Greater New Haven by advancing knowledge about their work and increasing giving to their organizations. More than $24 million has been raised since The Great Give began.

Over the past four years, Seymour Pink has been BLESSED beyond measure by our community on these Giving Days!

2020: $11,155 total donations, 127 donors

2021: $10,270 total donations, 111 donors

2022: $8,240 total donations, 77 donors

2023: $6076 total donations, 46 donors

For 2024 our goal is to fundraise $6,500 across 50 donors!

We need your help! We need you to tell your friends and family members about the important work we do and ask them to join us in helping to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer.

Get ready to give! On May 1-2, visit and make a donation to us and/or to any of the great participating nonprofit organizations in Greater New Haven. All giving will end at 8:00PM on May 2nd, so make sure to get your gift in on time!

Gifting during #TheGreatGive allows us to be eligible for the $240,000 in matching gifts and grants available to participating nonprofits. View the entire list of prizes here.

Questions? If you have any questions or would like more information, let us know by emailing us. Thank you in advance for your generosity to our organization!