Welcome New Board Members

Welcome New Board Members

Welcome Lisa Roshkind & Dawn Scott to the Board!

We are excited to welcome two new members to our all volunteer Board of Directors.

We asked each of these women to share a little bit about their path to Seymour Pink so the community can get to know them.

We are grateful for them stepping up to serve. Join us in giving them a warm welcome!


Lisa Roshkind

One can say I kinda “ran” into Seymour Pink. Back in 2017 when Seymour Pink announced that they would be a charity partner with the Marine Corps Marathon I had decided to be a supporter, until Debbie Russel (a breast cancer survivor) said she was running it.  Well, I couldn’t let her do it alone so I signed up to run the marathon.  Needless to say, it was a life changing experience.

Since then I have supported, volunteered, acted as Chair for the Putt for the Cure event, all in an effort to share Seymour Pink’s mission.  Now, I am excited to be joining the Board. I am truly honored to be a member of such an amazing organization.

Dawn Scott

Dawn Scott was introduced to Seymour Pink by a few fundraisers her kids participated in while they were in the Seymour School System.

She was introduced to Mary Deming at the Seymour Pink Gift Shop Grand Opening in 2015. After speaking with Mary, she was impressed with Seymour Pink’s mission and the sense of community felt by everyone that is involved.

Ever since then, she has been a weekly volunteer at the Gift Shop and volunteers with other Seymour Pink events.