By mid April 2020, we at Seymour Pink were increasingly concerned about how we could hang in there without funds coming in and the financial needs of breast cancer patients in treatment, growing.
By mid April, two of our major fundraisers were cancelled and it became apparent that future fundraisers were in jeopardy. Then the “what if‘s” began…
What if the next fundraiser is canceled?
What if all of our fundraisers are canceled for the year?
The fear of more “what if’s” mounted.
Of course as a board, we made decisions that we hoped would help us continue our mission. Still, in the back of our minds was the concern of how long we could continue with no income through fundraisers.
We underestimated the depth of human kindness and generosity of our community; a community that stretched across the United States, truthfully.
In this post is an “apology” for the concerns and “what if’s” I had and the board had because, at the most difficult times for families, for individuals, for businesses, for us, your SUPPORT and your GENEROSITY would not let our mission fail!
Individuals made small and large donations, businesses, hurting themselves, hosted creative fundraisers for us. The bridge to the future of our mission was built by the hearts of this community!
Today, our fundraisers are back! Our golf tournament was held in August and we just this past month completed our 10th Annual 5K!
So, as we begin November, we say to each of you, we are here today, we are back because of ALL of you, all you did over these last 20 months to help us keep helping those FIGHTING breast cancer.
As one breast cancer patient we help this past year, wrote to us in a thank you note, “your help gives me hope that I will have more time with my family”. That is priceless!
What you did and continue to do for us is Priceless!
Please know and feel that you have made a HUGE difference in Seymour Pink’s fulfilling our mission and in the lives of so many people burdened by their diagnosis and barbaric treatment!
We move forward with boundless gratitude.
Seymour Pink